Baker Elementary School was named in honor of the ironmaster, Elias Baker. The school was erected in 1905, having four classrooms. The first addition was added in 1916, enlarging the school to eight rooms. In 1918, there were a total of 68 students enrolled at Baker Elementary. A second addition was added in 1958. The third addition, which is presently the auditorium/gymnasium and the cafeteria, was added in 1989. Baker Elementary school currently has 16 classrooms and serves 336 learners.
Baker Elementary is the only original elementary school in the Altoona Area School District remaining for daily use by learners. Although several of the original elementary school buildings exist, they are currently being used for other purposes.
Baker Elementary is the only original elementary school in the Altoona Area School District remaining for daily use by learners. Although several of the original elementary school buildings exist, they are currently being used for other purposes.