Principal's Message

Welcome to Baker Elementary,
the Home of the Lions!

Mr. Richard Adams, Principal


Located in Altoona, Pennsylvania, Baker Elementary opened its doors in 1958.  Baker is home to approximately 350 students in grades Kindergarten through sixth.

At Baker, we are dedicated to providing our students with a safe, nurturing, and fun environment where students are excited about coming to school each day. We recognize that each child’s academic, social, and emotional needs are quite different.  Therefore, programs are implemented at Baker to assist every child in being successful including Reading Workshop, Guided Reading, Everyday Math 4, and STEM while also providing appropriate interventions and accommodations.  The focus is always our students and decisions are based on keeping their best interest in mind.

The Baker staff is amazing!  They are extremely dedicated and qualified.  All of our students are treated with respect by their teachers and are encouraged to work to their full potential.  We believe that communication between school and home is important and advantageous to a child’s success.

We have a very active and supportive PTA at Baker.  The PTA supports many academic and instructional programs, field trips, and athletic programs in our school.  The parents of our students are always welcome and encouraged to volunteer in their child’s classroom.  This participation is greatly appreciated and has a positive impact on our students.

With our exemplary staff, eager and ready to learn students, and supportive parents – We know that we will achieve success!  We are planning for a year of excellence!