Visitor Informaion

Main Entrance

Baker Main Entrance


Please use the surrounding street parking when visiting Baker Elementary as there is limited designated parking.

School Security Officer

Upon entry, visitors will be greeted by the school security officer. The officer is there to ensure the safety of students and staff within the building, as well as greet and walk visitors through the steps for entry. All visitors will need to check in by using the school gate guardian system. 
If you are picking up a student, we ask that visitors remain in the vestibule. The student will be called down to be signed out. 
If you are visiting for a meeting, you will be asked to walk through the metal detector before being allowed through the second set of interior doors after receiving your badge.

School Gate Guardian

The School Gate Guardian is in every building across the Altoona Area School District. Upon arriving at the Baker main entrance, please buzz the secretary to be let into the first set of doors. You will then be directed to scan your driver's license through the red School Gate Guardian security box. All visitors to the Baker building must bring a valid driver's license to enter. Once you scan your driver's license, a peel-and-stick name badge will print from the machine. Please wear this name badge at all times while in the building.